Good point, fedup.
How many years before the flood did Noah preach? 40? +/-? Not 140! (2016 - 1876)
we learn from the bible that the characters that preached doomsday messages, such as lot, noah, etc all got to see the result of the message they preached, we studied that the final judgement from god was seen by the preacher as well as the people that heard and ignored the message.
my point is this, it would have been ridiculous for noah to start preaching to people, put the fear of god in all the listeners that the flood is coming, build the ark and then as a result, nothing happens to them.
even if the flood would have happened later, let's say 50 years after noah and all the people that heard him have died from natural causes.
Good point, fedup.
How many years before the flood did Noah preach? 40? +/-? Not 140! (2016 - 1876)
after a very quiet couple of hours detecting this afternoon i was chuffed to find this silver coin.. it is a groat of edward iii of england.
for a long time the only coin available was the silver penny.
if you wanted to spend half a penny or a quarter you literally cut it up.
Awesome! Are you keeping? selling? donating?
till yesterday it seems my world was very quiet.
my kids and friends kept telling me you are so hard of hearing.
finally i got tired of asking them to repeat what they had just said.
Awesome, I will have to look into it for my dad ; - )
the peruvian government intervened on behalf of this child whose ignorant jw parents left his life in jay hoover's hands....
Thx, Mrs. Flipper, good reality check:
"Most parents will shun their children, rather than give up paradise."
No, it is not loving.
cha ching!
i see myself as being like the little (roomba) robot vacuum cleaner, bumping into things, turning slightly this way or that, then proceeding merrily on my way.
“yes life sucks,” i seem to say, “but life goes on--let’s make the most of it.”.
yesterday at the starbucks on the hill, i hit a bump in a conversation with a young, bearded master’s degree student.
Questions, questions, questions....
Questions are the answer to get people to think.... Good job!
I will try to apply that methodology to my future conversations with people stuck in their 'righteous' way of thinking.
Good job! (great patience!)
cha ching!
the u.k. to start trials in a new synthetic blood substitute.
all previous versions have failed to gain regulatory approval, but perhaps this one will offer a way out for jehovah's witnesses.
Amen, blondie... that is the WT's M.O. : "clarification" & "adjustment"
I thought 'God's chariot' was fast! ?
Seems as tho the H.S. takes it's time 'clarifying', haha!
the u.k. to start trials in a new synthetic blood substitute.
all previous versions have failed to gain regulatory approval, but perhaps this one will offer a way out for jehovah's witnesses.
but wait.... You CAN get fractions from human blood.....
at the meeting last night, at the annoucments at end of meeting they said make sure u take your ped card.
i said to myself what is a ped card?
blood cards are back.
OMG that 'blood card' is scary... Instructions for "if you are pregnant" and "no one can be your witness if they can inherit part of your estate!
I am so glad not to be a J-dub.
august 12, 2016 to all bodies of elders in the united states branch territory re: obtaining video equipment for displaying spiritual programs.
"It is the financial responsibility of the publishers".....
No more books? magazines?.... That's OK, we'll sell TVs...
about 5 years ago when i was in, my son who at the time was 18 needed somewhere to sleep for a couple of nights due to work commitments ,in a city 2 hours from home.
my "best man" who is an elder that lives in this city , was asked could my son stay a couple of nights .
the response was he doesn't go to meetings anymore ,he can't stay here , i ask can he sleep on garage floor instead , still can't stay .
Thanks, sparky1, this sentence says it all:
And if you greet your brothers only, what extraordinary thing are you doing?
We should all memorize this line....